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Creating an AI Report

Looking to create a detailed report without the heavy lifting? Let our AI do the work for you! Here’s how to get started:

1. Navigate to AI Report Tab#

Once all your files are uploaded, processed, and your insights are ready, head on over to the 'AI Report' tab.

2. Provide Instructions#

You'll spot a text box waiting for your input. Here, you can:

  • Pose specific questions you want answers to
  • Specify desired headings or sections
  • Ask for tables, charts, or any other data visualization

3. Select Your Files#

Decide on which files you want to be part of your report. Simply checkmark the ones you want and leave out the ones you don't.

4. Hit 'Generate Report'#

Once you're all set, press the 'Generate Report' button. Sit back and relax as the AI gets to work!

5. Let the AI Work Its Magic#

As the AI crafts your report, it's best not to make edits. Give it a few minutes to churn out your data-filled report.

6. Edit & Personalize#

After the AI's done, you're free to tweak as you please. Whether it's adjusting titles, modifying body text, or playing around with charts and tables, you've got complete control!

7. View Report History#

Ever curious about past reports? Click the history icon next to the 'Generate Report' button to stroll down memory lane.

8. Sharing with Your Team#

Share your insights! With a public link, your team can access the latest report and get up to speed.

Creating detailed reports is no longer a tedious task. With this guide and our AI's assistance, you can have a comprehensive report ready in minutes!