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AI Tags

User Evaluation's Tags feature is a dynamic tool designed to bring efficiency and clarity to your transcript and text analysis. This innovative feature allows you to pinpoint key sections of your text, spotlighting valuable insights with an array of custom tags.

Key Features of AI Tags#

  1. AI-Powered Tagging: Easily generate accurate tags by providing custom instructions. By instantly tagging your transcripts and content, you’ll be able to extract the meaning of your customer data. Not only will you understand trends better, but you’ll also identify any patterns that appear throughout the content.

  2. Manual tagging: If you’re looking for a more hands-on approach, you can easily tag sections of your content to not lose anything important. Just manually select the text you’re interested in and apply the tag that you deem most appropriate.

  3. Centralized Tag Hub: All your tags, both AI-generated and manually created, are accessible from the project sidebar—your centralized hub for quick reference. This feature is more than a convenience; it's an organizational powerhouse, ensuring that every tagged insight is just a click away for review or reorganization. Whenever you need to re-tag certain data, you can do so by simply moving the cards.

With User Evaluation's AI tags, you’ll never lose your important findings ever again. Designed to keep the data organized and help you gain a deeper understanding of your insights, not a single trend will slip past you. If you need assistance or have any further queries, our dedicated support team is always here to help!