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Creating your first project

Ready to dive into analysis? Creating a new project on User Evaluation is a breeze! Here's a comprehensive guide to help you set up your project seamlessly:

1. Getting Started#

  • Log In: First, ensure you're logged into your account at
  • New Project: Once logged in, simply click on New Project. Just like that, your project space is ready!

2. Setting the Language#

  • Before uploading any assets, decide on the desired language for AI analysis. Adjusting this ensures that our AI models have a clear understanding of your preferred language for insights.

Note: As of now, speaker labels are available for English only.

3. Adding Files#

  • Navigate to the Overview tab of your new project.
  • Click on the plus button (indicating Add New). A pop-up with a drop zone will appear.
  • Drag and drop your audio, video, text, or CSV files onto this zone to begin the upload.

Heads Up: There's a file size limit for each upload to ensure prompt processing of user data. If your file exceeds this limit, consider using tools like Handbrake to compress your files without losing quality.

4. Finalizing Your Project#

  • After uploading, wait for the notifications indicating each file's upload status.

  • Once all your files are uploaded, click Add to Project to include them in your workspace.

  • The project then enters a processing state, during which our AI goes to work, analyzing your data.

5. The Wait Time#

  • Processing usually takes between 5 to 15 minutes. Once completed, your project will be enriched with transcripts, insights, and more for you to explore.

Limitations for Free Users#

Free users do have some limitations:

  • There's a cap on the number of projects and files you can create and upload, respectively.
  • If you're unable to upload more files, it's likely you've exhausted your free credits. Consider upgrading to enjoy uninterrupted services.

Starting a project has never been easier! If you run into any issues or have questions, we're always here to assist. Dive into analysis and uncover insights with User Evaluation!